The "clawed" costume controversy is over. But, this does not mean this was not a costume or some sort of "sculpture" of some kind. This avenue of investigation is still being looked into.
Some people have found letters within the image. Personally, I'm not sure if these are in fact letters, or if it's pixels. When a member of the ABS Directors looked at this issue he could see a skull and other things. So, who knows. But, I do know the more you enlarge things the more you will see that is not in the image. But, I will give people this - the "W" that is being pointed out, I do see something, but I do not have enough photo knowledge to know if that is simply pixels or something added to the photo. So, this is still being debated and discussed.
Rodney Young has been sent samples from NFT of werewolf furs they make. The samples are pretty incredible. Here is a link to the custom samples he was just sent.
Rodney Young, Custom Werewolf Fur Samples
I think the hair color on the "sparce" samples is very good, the only problem I have is the coloring of the skin - it is much lighter on some samples or too pink. But, the color of the skin can be dyed - this would be an additional charge to the base price of $44.75 a square foot.
Is there a rule that this person would have had to go through NFT for the hair, if this is a costume? No. So, we are still looking into all this as well.
I Just wanted to say THANK YOU to all my friends for your show of support over this last week. It makes me feel better about the direction of this community - knowing you are all apart of it. Both Videos are down - I was sent an email from YouTube yesterday - telling me the other video has been removed, and a link to prove it. So, I guess YouTube got to it before the shady person in question.
If we are not willing to be advocates for the witnesses to this animal - why should they even come to us? I will always defend and protect these witnesses - whether people like it or not.
This has taught me a lesson in the dark side of human nature (as if I needed one more) and the lengths people are willing to go to, to get what they want for themselves. It's sad and disgusting. I have nothing further to say to these individuals, they have to live with themselves and what they have tried to do. I believe Karma has a lot in store for these people. Please - do not defend me, when you do, you give them what they want - attention.
I am all for the recognition of good and honest researchers, but even bad attention for these people is what they are looking for. So, I intend to ignore them - and simply exercise my legal rights in protecting this photograph which YouTube and other sites have correctly recognized. This is not an issue of "free speech." If that were the case I would be trying to stop all the conversations about this photo that I do not agree with. I'm not. Also, my complaints had nothing to do with the words being spoken, it was the misuse of the photo, which has been resolved by YouTube.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, heck I don't even know what to think of this photo. I have been contacted by many, many witnesses I have never spoken with before and they either tell me how similar this photo is to what they seen or the differences. I must tell you all, these people bring up some very strong points for and against this photo being legit. Which only adds to the mystery of what this photo is.
At the end of the day, we still have no answer for whether this is a photo of a legitimate Bigfoot or not. Maybe we never will?
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